
I have conducted funerals for my own loved ones, and I know how urgent it feels to get this 'last thing right' for the person who has died.

Funerals and memorials in Australia are changing to be more flexible and personal.

There is no legal requirement for an authorised celebrant to officiate at a funeral. You can be ably assisted by a funeral director or a Natural Death advocate. That said, an authorised celebrant has the training and experience to compose with you, and then conduct on the day, a meaningful, expressive ceremony in the place of your choosing – to help you get it 'just right'.

I will work closely with the other professionals involved, and I will be honoured to help you say goodbye just the way you want to.

Please contact me if I can be of service.

Phone 03 5473 4222


Photo credit: Oliver Holmgren Photography
© Tamsin Whaley, 2016 - 2024. All rights reserved.